Pocket Guide to Wildflower Families

​The Plant Life Puzzle Book
A miscellany of puzzles to intrigue, entertain and enlighten, appealing to individuals and families alike.
Not just quizzes, not just word games, not just brain-teasers, but dozens of completely different challenges to test the reader's knowledge of the wild plants of the British Isles. Young and old, beginners and experts, casually interested or madly passionate about nature – everyone will find something here to both test and teach them in an enjoyable way.
How many petals does a poppy have? Are Bee Orchids increasing or declining in Britain? Which flower did Hamlet say was for remembrance? Are snowdrops native to this country? Who was the first television botanist? Can you recognise these plants from their fruits alone? KHUDQVNQS –solve this cryptogram of a cryptogam!
Follow up your ID of plant families with ID of species! 20 groups of species – such as clovers, speedwells, orchids and so on – are covered. Each page is a flowchart to common members of the group, with images and brief descriptions of each species.
Same field-friendly format as the Pocket Guide.
Following the popularity of Start to Identify Grasses, the same treatment is given to sedges & rushes. This book shows you how to identify common sedges and rushes without tears, through diagrams, explanations, a flowchart and a ready-reference table.
New Expanded edition
If you find identifying grasses rather daunting, this is the book for you. It covers 20 of the most common species, taking you from basic info to full ID by diagrams and flowcharts. New 2020 edition is in easy-to-read A5 format, with extra helpful material.
A complete introduction to finding, identifying and enjoying wild flowers.
Fully illustrated, flexi-bound 176 pages.
Perennial favourite, our field-friendly guide to identifying wild flowers through the families they belong to.
Recommended reading for RBGE online botany course!
Weatherproof ring-bound booklet.
Daisies, dandelions and thistles are not as hard to identify as they look at first – even the yellow ones! Using our signature flowchart approach, this book guides you to a correct species ID.

Flowers in the Field
Start to Identify Grasses –
New expanded edition

Start to Identify Sedges & Rushes

Wild Flower Flowcharts
Start to Identify
Composite flowers

All prices include FREE post and packing.
You're interested in wild flowers, you've found one you can't identify, and you've got a field guide. Now what?
If your book has a general key, you could start right at the beginning and try to work your way through until you find your flower. One of the easiest I could find used 12 technical terms in the very first question and the answers were all in Latin.
So perhaps not?
Or you could play 'snap'. Just thumb through all the pages of pictures until you find one that matches your flower, This (a) will take an awfully long time and (b) is not very likely to find you the right answer anyway. Did you know that there are at least 50 British wild flower species which are yellow with 5 petals?
Here's a third way: get the Pocket Guide to Wildflower Families. (Click on BOOKS in the menu, then click on the images to see what's in the book.) If your species is quite a common and widespread one, you can follow that up with Wild Flower Flowcharts to guide you to the correct species. If not, it's now easy to find your way around a standard field guide with the knowledge you will have gained.
For a complete introduction to identifying wild flowers and the whole fascinating business of native plant-hunting try Flowers in the Field. This is the perfect companion to any field guide, taking you through the basics of field botany with lots of essential information, guidance and entertainment on the way.
When you've begun to crack wildflowers, you can move on to grasses: Start to Identify Grasses gives you a flying start the easy way – no lengthy keys and no peering through microscopes. Just study the diagrams and work through the flowcharts to learn 20 of the commonest species of grasses. Continue with Start to Identify Sedges & Rushes for Britain's most common rushes and 21 sedges. Then simplify and explore a 'difficult' group with Start to Identify Composite Flowers .

the Plant Life Puzzle Book